
Why do Breni and Pepe like to have so many adventures? Some say it is becuase they read too many pirate books when they were younger. Others say it is because they are Australian. And other people are adventurers, too, and don’t need to say anything because they understand that adventures are a good thing to have.

Brenni and Pepe are currently on a big adventure that involves them riding bicycles around Mexico and Central America. They did not plan this adventure at all, but sometimes the adventures you least expect are the ones that are the most fun.

1 Response to About

  1. Heather Mundy says:

    Brenni and Pepe I just read ‘Proceed with caution’ and laughed out loud. I can relate and I warn you now that if you ever go to China or Viet nam you will encounter the same phenomenon so be carefull. haha.
    I also proceeded to stay and read Every Other post hahaha
    I loved reading about your adventures and especially love the pictures. I hope its cool if I copy this idea one; day my mom would love it (My mom being the main reason I post anything online) lol.
    Keep Doin what your doin my beautiful, adventuring friends from winters past !! You have souls that inspire 🙂

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